How to Build a Powerful christian Ministry

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Powerful

christian christian women women empowerment women in the ministry Oct 10, 2024

I’ll never forget the moment that changed everything for me. I was attending a healing retreat for work. Halfway through the retreat, the planning team began to perform—a short presentation that included poetry, singing, and heartfelt expressions of faith, symbolic of a healing journey. It was beautiful, though far from perfect. There were moments when the singers hit a wrong note or stumbled over their words. Yet, despite these minor mishaps, it served as a powerful expression of communal healing for everyone in the room.

The room was filled with emotion. Tears streamed down the faces of the women next to me, and I could feel the presence of God so deeply. Even with the off-key notes and moments of uncertainty, the performance was powerful—so much so that people were deeply moved and transformed.

In that moment, I realized something that has stayed with me ever since: “We don’t have to be perfect to be powerful.”

Perfectionism as a Barrier to Progress

Many of us, myself included, have fallen into the trap of perfectionism. We want everything to be just right before we step out into what God is calling us to do. We want to make sure we have the perfect plan, the perfect resources, and the perfect words before we take that leap of faith. 

But here’s the hard truth: Perfectionism often paralyzes us. It stops us from taking action. How many times have you felt that stirring in your heart to start something—whether it’s a ministry, a project, or simply stepping out to help someone in need—only to hesitate because you didn’t feel ready or “good enough”? 

  • Fear of failure: We’re afraid to mess up, to fall short, to fail in front of others.
  • Need for approval: We want everything in perfect order because we fear judgment.
  • Avoiding vulnerability: If things aren’t perfect, it exposes our flaws and makes us feel inadequate.

This fear, this need for everything to be flawless, often keeps us stuck in a cycle of inaction. We wait for the perfect moment that never comes. We plan and plan, but never execute. 

The performance I witnessed at the retreat taught me that sometimes it’s the imperfections that make an experience powerful. God works through our flaws and limitations, and sometimes the most transformative moments happen when things don’t go according to plan.

God Doesn’t Require Perfection: The Message of the Cross

When I reflect on the idea of perfection, I’m reminded of the reason Jesus died on the cross. His sacrifice was not for a perfect world or a perfect people. It was for a broken, flawed, and imperfect humanity. God didn’t expect us to be perfect, and that’s why He sent Jesus—to save us in our imperfection.

One scripture that comes to mind is 2 Corinthians 12:9, where Paul says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” This verse is a powerful reminder that in our weakness, God’s strength is revealed. 

The beauty of God’s grace is that it doesn’t rely on us getting everything right. God’s strength is showcased when we trust Him enough to move forward in our weaknesses. 

If we were perfect, there would be no need for grace. There would be no room for God to work in us and through us. But because we are flawed, we get to witness His strength in action. God calls us to be faithful and obedient, not perfect. Our job is to take the step, even when we feel unprepared or inadequate, and trust that He will make up the difference.

The Beauty of Imperfections in Ministry

One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned in my journey is that our imperfections create connection. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, when we let others see our humanity, it opens the door for authentic relationships. People don’t connect with perfection; they connect with honesty, transparency, and truth.

Think about it: When have you felt the most connected to someone? It’s probably not when they were presenting themselves as having it “all together” but when they shared their struggles, their mistakes, or their challenges. There’s beauty in that vulnerability because it reflects the reality of our human experience.

In ministry, it’s the same. When we show our imperfections, it allows others to see God’s grace at work in us. Our brokenness becomes the backdrop for His glory. It’s not about us being perfect; it’s about God using our imperfections to show His perfect love and grace.

Here’s why embracing your imperfections can actually make your ministry more powerful:

  • Relatability: When people see that you don’t have it all together, they’re more likely to relate to you.
  • Encouragement: Your willingness to step forward despite imperfections can encourage others to do the same.
  • God’s Glory: Imperfections allow God’s power and grace to shine through more brightly in your life.

The Power of Moving Forward Despite Mistakes

So, what happens when we do make mistakes? What happens when we take that leap of faith and things don’t go as planned? Is it all for nothing? Absolutely not. 

Mistakes are not failures; they are opportunities for growth. Each misstep is a chance to learn, adjust, and move forward. The performance at the retreat wasn’t perfect, but it was powerful because the facilitators pushed through their mistakes. They didn’t stop when things went wrong—they kept going, and in doing so, they touched lives.

The same is true for us. God doesn’t expect us to be flawless. He simply expects us to be faithful. And when we trust Him enough to move forward in faith, despite our mistakes, He can use even the messiest moments for His purpose.

Step Forward in Faith, Not Fear

As you read this, I want to encourage you to let go of the need for perfection. You don’t have to have it all figured out to make an impact. You don’t have to wait for everything to fall into place before you take the next step. God doesn’t require perfection from you—He simply asks that you trust Him enough to move forward.

Powerful ministry doesn’t come from flawless execution. It comes from faithful obedience. It comes from a heart willing to step out, even when things aren’t perfect, trusting that God will use your efforts for His glory.

So, don’t let perfectionism hold you back any longer. Take that step. Make that move. God will meet you there, imperfections and all.

If you’ve been allowing perfectionism to hold you back from stepping into your ministry calling, I want to help you break through this barrier. Schedule a Breakthrough Call with me, and let’s discuss how we can help you overcome perfectionism and move boldly toward the vision God has given you.