How to build your Christian Ministry

Is Your Church Hindering Your Growth in Ministry?

christian christian women women empowerment women in the ministry Oct 03, 2024

If you're reading this, you might find yourself in a place where the excitement you once had for your church has faded. You've been committed, faithful in your service, and poured your heart into your ministry, but lately, it feels like something is off. Maybe you’re feeling stagnant. Maybe you’ve reached a ceiling where your gifts aren’t being fully utilized or you aren’t growing spiritually. You're wrestling with whether it’s time for a change, but the thought of leaving your church—your spiritual family—feels daunting and unfamiliar.

First, let me tell you this: you're not alone. Many women of faith find themselves in this exact position, questioning whether staying where they are is hindering their ministry. While loyalty is admirable, staying in a place where you feel stifled can also hold you back from what God has called you to do. So how do you know if your church is hindering your growth, and how can you discern what to do next? Let’s walk through this together.

Signs Your Church Might Be Hindering Your Growth in Ministry

  • You Feel Like There’s No Room for Your Gifts to Flourish

One of the clearest signs that your church may be hindering your growth is if you feel like your gifts aren’t being used—or worse, that they’re not wanted. God has given each of us unique talents and spiritual gifts to serve the Kingdom, and the church is where those gifts should be nurtured. If you’ve offered to help or lead in specific areas and you constantly face closed doors or feel unappreciated, it may be a sign that your potential is being limited. You should be in an environment that values what you bring to the table, not one that stifles your contributions.

  • Leadership Doesn't Support or Guide You

Every ministry leader should have a covering—a mentor or a pastor who is invested in their spiritual growth. If you feel isolated, without any form of guidance or support from your church leadership, you may start to feel disconnected from your purpose. Ministry is challenging, and having someone to walk alongside you is crucial. Proverbs 11:14 says, "Where there is no guidance, the people fall." If you’re falling because there’s no one helping you stand, it may be time to reassess your environment.

  • Your Spiritual Growth Has Become Stagnant

Have you ever looked back at where you were a year ago and felt like nothing has changed? Stagnation is a powerful sign that your spiritual well-being might be at risk. Your church should be a place where you are challenged, inspired, and encouraged to go deeper in your walk with God. But if the teachings, worship, and fellowship feel repetitive, and you aren’t learning or growing, it might be that your current environment has reached its capacity to nurture your growth.

  • You Feel a Strong Nudge from God to Move On

Sometimes, deep down in your spirit, you know when it's time to transition. God speaks to us in whispers, nudges, and sometimes even discomfort. If you have a persistent feeling that you are supposed to be elsewhere, or that God is preparing you for something new, don't ignore it. Remember the story of Abraham—God called him to leave everything he knew to step into the unknown. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary for his growth and for the unfolding of God’s plan for his life.

Steps to Help You Discern Your Next Steps

1. Pray for Clarity and Guidance

Before making any big decisions, start with prayer. Ask God to make your next steps clear. James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." Lay your concerns at His feet and trust that He will guide you. Often, God will confirm things through His Word, a trusted mentor, or even through that still, small voice in your spirit.

2. Seek Wise Counsel

Sometimes, when we’re in the thick of it, it’s hard to see things clearly. That’s why it’s essential to talk with someone who has no personal stake in your decision—someone who can offer unbiased, spiritual insight. Reach out to a mentor, a trusted friend, or even a spiritual coach who can help you navigate your feelings and discern what God is saying. Proverbs 15:22 reminds us, "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."

3. Assess Whether Fear Is Holding You Back

Fear of the unknown is often what keeps us stuck. Leaving a church you’ve known for years feels risky, especially if you're uncertain about what lies ahead. But ask yourself: are you staying because it’s comfortable, or because it's where God wants you to be? When we allow fear to guide our decisions, we can miss out on God’s best. Trust that if God is calling you to move, He will equip you and provide for you.

4. Give Yourself Permission to Grieve

Leaving a church home isn’t easy. It’s okay to feel a sense of loss. You’ve likely built relationships, and you’ve poured your heart into serving. Take time to acknowledge those feelings. Grieving doesn’t mean that leaving is the wrong decision—it just means you are human. Allow yourself to process the emotions, but don’t let the fear of loss keep you in a place where you aren’t growing.

5. Take the Next Step in Faith

At the end of the day, faith often requires action. If God has confirmed that it’s time to move, take the next step, even if it feels scary. Trust that He will guide your steps. Whether that means finding a new church home or stepping into a new ministry, God has a plan for you that goes beyond what you can see right now. Hebrews 11:8 says, "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going." You don’t have to have all the answers—just take the step He is asking of you.

Final Thoughts

Leaving a church is a big decision, but sometimes, it’s the next step in growing into who God has called you to be. Don't let fear hold you back from all He has in store. Trust the process, and most importantly, trust Him.

So, if you're feeling torn and unsure about your next steps, know that you don't have to walk this journey alone. Sometimes, having someone to talk through these decisions can make all the difference. That’s why I’m offering breakthrough calls, where we can work through your concerns and seek God’s direction together. Let’s break through the fear and uncertainty, and step boldly into what God has for you. You can schedule your call HERE.  Can’t wait to connect with you.

Rev. Jocelyn