Women in the ministry overcoming challenges in their calling

How to Break Through Glass Ceilings as a Woman In Ministry

Aug 29, 2023

Hey there, amazing women of faith! Today, we're diving into a topic that's near and dear to our hearts: how to shatter those pesky glass ceilings in the realm of ministry. If you've ever felt like your gifts and talents were being held back just because you're a woman, you're not alone. We're going to talk about how to rise above these challenges and step into your calling with confidence and purpose.

Let's be real for a moment. As Christian women who have a burning passion for serving God, we've encountered some roadblocks along the way. You may have found yourself in roles that don't quite align with your abilities, or you've noticed that your male counterparts are getting more recognition for similar efforts. And let's not even get started on the gender pay gap – it's like an unwelcome guest at the ministry table.

Over the years, you might have encountered faith leaders who speak passionately about equality and the importance of women, yet their actions tell a different story. It's disheartening to listen to inspiring sermons about the value of every individual and then witness a disconnect in how women are treated within the church.

But guess what? The Bible is full of inspiring stories of women who defied the odds and made a massive impact. Think about Esther – she risked everything to save her people. And then there's Deborah, a true trailblazer who rocked the leadership scene like a boss.

So we are writing this blog to remind you that women have broken through glass ceilings for years, and now it’s time for you to do the same. You've got this incredible calling, but there's this invisible barrier holding you back. Don't worry, we've got some strategies to help you break through and let your light shine.

Prayer Power: Start with a heart-to-heart chat with God. Remember, even Esther needed divine guidance before taking action.

  • When it comes to breaking through those glass ceilings, prayer is your secret weapon. Just like Esther, who faced the daunting task of saving her people, we too, can lean on God's guidance. Take time to talk to God about your dreams, your concerns, and your plans. Seek His direction and wisdom, knowing that His guidance is the true North that can lead you through any challenge. In Matthew 7:7, Jesus reminds us, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Your heart-to-heart with God can pave the way for remarkable breakthroughs in your ministry journey.

Resilience is Key: Embrace challenges like a warrior. Your strength shines when you keep pushing forward, even in tough times.

  • Life isn't always a smooth sail, and neither is the journey of breaking through glass ceilings. But guess what? You've got warrior blood flowing through your veins. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. Just like Paul writes in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Your strength and determination, rooted in your faith, can inspire others around you. When you face adversity head-on and keep pushing forward, your resilience becomes a beacon of hope and encouragement for those who follow in your footsteps.

Skill Up: Ever considered honing your skills? Whether it's diving deeper into the Word or getting some leadership training, investing in yourself pays off big time.

  • One of the most powerful ways to shatter glass ceilings is by becoming the best version of yourself. Don't be afraid to invest in your growth and development. Whether it's dedicating time to study the Word more deeply or seeking out leadership training, honing your skills equips you to step confidently into your calling. Proverbs 18:15 tells us, "An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." By continuously improving and refining your skills, you'll gain the tools you need to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

Find a Mentor Crew: Seek out mentors who've walked the path before you. Their wisdom can be a game-changer on your journey.

  • Remember, you're not in this alone. Seeking out mentors who have blazed trails in ministry can be a game-changer. Just like Paul guided Timothy, mentors can offer invaluable insights, advice, and encouragement. Proverbs 15:22 reminds us, "Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed." Connect with those who have walked the path you're on – their wisdom can help you navigate challenges, provide fresh perspectives, and offer the guidance you need to break through those glass ceilings.

Speak Your Truth: Don't be shy about sharing your passions and gifts. Let your church community know what you're capable of.

  • It's time to let your light shine, unapologetically. Don't be afraid to share your passions and gifts with your church community. Your voice and abilities are gifts from God, meant to be shared for the betterment of the kingdom. Jesus encourages us in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." By speaking your truth and stepping into your gifts, you not only empower yourself but also inspire others to do the same.

Nudge for Change: If you spot outdated gender biases, it's totally okay to address them respectfully. Sometimes, a little nudge is all it takes.

  • Don't be afraid to challenge the status quo when you encounter outdated gender biases. If you see something that doesn't align with the truth of God's Word, it's okay to address it respectfully. Just as Jesus fearlessly challenged cultural norms, you too can bring about positive change. Galatians 3:28 reminds us, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." By respectfully nudging for change, you're contributing to a more inclusive and equitable ministry environment.

Embrace Tech: Social media and online platforms are your allies. Use them to spread your message and connect with like-minded souls.

  • In the digital age, technology is a powerful tool at your disposal. Embrace social media and online platforms as allies in your mission. Just as Paul used letters to communicate and connect with believers, you can use modern tools to spread your message far and wide. Share your insights, inspirations, and lessons on these platforms, and you'll connect with like-minded souls who resonate with your journey. Your online presence can be a source of inspiration and encouragement for those seeking to break through their own barriers.

Lean on Your Tribe: Surround yourself with a tribe of fierce women who understand your journey. Together, you're an unstoppable force.

  • Remember, you're never alone on this journey. Surround yourself with a tribe of fierce women who share your passion and understand the challenges you're facing. Together, you become an unstoppable force that supports, uplifts, and empowers one another. Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Lean on your tribe for encouragement, advice, and companionship – together, you can navigate the twists and turns of ministry with strength and resilience.

Let Your Light Shine Bright

Listen up, sister. The world might try to dim your light, but the world doesn’t define you.  Your light shines because of the God who put it in you. Don't let anything hold you back from embracing your calling. You're a vital piece of God's puzzle, and without you, it's just not complete.

If this blog post is resonating with you, we've got a special invitation for you. Join our Women in Ministry community, a place where you'll find the training, support, and resources to fully step into your calling. We know the journey can be tough, but you don't have to go it alone. Let's break those glass ceilings together, celebrate each other's wins, and light up the world with our faith and courage. Ready to take that step? Let's do this! 🙌

Learn more about our Women in the Ministry community by visiting womenintheministry.com/join